Reference for all functions used in DNPLab.
- dnplab.analysis.hydration.calculate_ksigma(ksigma_sp=False, powers=False, smax=1)
Get ksigma and E_power at half max of ksig
- Parameters:
ksig (numpy.array) -- Array of ksigmas
powers (numpy.array) -- Array of E_powers
- Returns:
calculated ksigma ksigma_stdd (float): standard deviation in ksigma p_12 (float): power at half max for ksigma fit
- Return type:
ksigma (float)
J.M. Franck et al. / Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 74 (2013) 33–56
- dnplab.analysis.hydration.calculate_ksigma_array(powers=False, ksigma_smax=95.4, p_12=False)
Function to calcualte ksig array for any given ksigma and p_12
- Parameters:
powers (numpy.array) -- Array of powers
ksigma_smax (float) -- product of ksigma and smax (s^-1 * M^-1)
p_12 (float) -- power at half max for ksigma fit
- Returns:
calculated ksigma array
- Return type:
ksig_fit (numpy.array)
J.M. Franck et al. / Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 74 (2013) 33–56
- dnplab.analysis.hydration.calculate_smax(spin_C=False)
Returns maximal saturation factor.
- Parameters:
spin_C (float) -- unpaired spin concentration (M)
- Returns:
maximal saturation factor (unitless)
- Return type:
smax (float)
\[\mathrm{s_{max}} = 1 - (2 / (3 + (3 * (\mathrm{spin\_C} * 198.7))))\]M.T. Türke, M. Bennati, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 13 (2011) 3630. & J. Hyde, J. Chien, J. Freed, J. Chem. Phys. 48 (1968) 4211.
- dnplab.analysis.hydration.calculate_tcorr(coupling_factor=0.27, omega_e=0.0614, omega_H=9.3231e-05)
Returns translational correlation time (tcorr) in pico second
- Parameters:
coupling_factor (float) -- coupling factor
omega_e (float) -- electron gyromagnetic ratio
omega_H (float) -- proton gyromagnetic ratio
- Returns:
translational diffusion correlation time (s)
- Return type:
tcorr (float)
J.M. Franck et al. / Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 74 (2013) 33–56
- dnplab.analysis.hydration.calculate_uncorrected_Ep(uncorrected_xi=0.33, p_12_unc=0, E_powers=False, T10=2.0, T100=2.5, omega_ratio=658.5792, smax=1)
Function for E(p) for any given xi and p_12
- Parameters:
uncorrected_xi (float) -- uncorrected coupling factor
p_12_unc (float) -- power at half max for uncorrected_xi fit
E_array (numpy.array) -- Array of enhancements
E_powers (numpy.array) -- Array of E_powers
T10 (float) -- T1(0), proton T1 with microwave power=0 (s)
T100 (float) -- T10(0), proton T1 with spin_C=0 and microwave power=0 (s)
omega_ratio (float) -- ratio of electron & proton gyromagnetic ratios
smax (float) -- maximal saturation factor
- Returns:
uncorrected enhancement curve
- Return type:
Ep_fit (numpy.array)
J.M. Franck et al. / Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 74 (2013) 33–56
- dnplab.analysis.hydration.calculate_uncorrected_xi(E_array=False, E_powers=False, T10=2.0, T100=2.5, omega_ratio=658.5792, smax=1)
Get coupling_factor and E_power at half saturation
- Parameters:
E_array (numpy.array) -- Array of enhancements
E_powers (numpy.array) -- Array of powers
T10 (float) -- T1(0), proton T1 with microwave power=0 (s)
T100 (float) -- T10(0), proton T1 with spin_C=0 and microwave power=0 (s)
omega_ratio (float) -- ratio of electron & proton gyromagnetic ratios
smax (float) -- maximal saturation factor
- Returns:
uncorrected coupling factor p_12_unc (float): power at half max for uncorrected_xi fit
- Return type:
uncorrected_xi (float)
J.M. Franck et al.; Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 74 (2013) 33–56
- dnplab.analysis.hydration.calculate_xi(tcorr=5.4e-11, omega_e=0.0614, omega_H=9.3231e-05)
Returns coupling_factor for any given tcorr
- Parameters:
tcorr (float) -- translational diffusion correlation time (s)
omega_e (float) -- electron gyromagnetic ratio
omega_H (float) -- proton gyromagnetic ratio
- Returns:
coupling factor
- Return type:
xi (float)
J.M. Franck et al. / Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 74 (2013) 33–56
- dnplab.analysis.hydration.hydration(data={}, constants={})
Function for performing ODNP calculations
- Parameters:
data (dict) -- keys and values are described in the example
constants (dict) -- (optional) keys and values are described in the example
- Returns:
keys and values are described in the example
- Return type:
J.M. Franck et al.; Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 74 (2013) 33–56
J.M. Franck, S. Han; Methods in Enzymology, Chapter 5, Volume 615, (2019) 131-175
- dnplab.analysis.hydration.interpolate_T1(E_powers=False, T1_powers=False, T1_array=False, interpolate_method='linear', delta_T1_water=False, T1_water=False, macro_C=False, spin_C=1, T10=2.0, T100=2.5)
Returns interpolated T1 data.
- Parameters:
E_powers (numpy.array) -- The microwave powers at which to evaluate
T1_powers (numpy.array) -- The microwave powers of the T1s to interpolate
T1_array (numpy.array) -- The original T1s (s)
interpolate_method (str) -- "second_order" or "linear"
spin_C (float) -- unpaired electron spin concentration (M)
T10 (float) -- T1 measured with unpaired electrons (s)
T100 (float) -- T1 measured without unpaired electrons (s)
delta_T1_water (optional) (float) -- change in T1 of water at max microwave power (s)
T1_water (optional) (float) -- T1 of pure water (s)
macro_C (optional) (float) -- concentration of macromolecule (M)
- Returns:
Array of T1 values same shape as E_powers and E_array
- Return type:
interpolated_T1 (numpy.array)
T1 data is interpolated using Eq. 39 of for "linear" or Eq. 22 of for "second_order"
- dnplab.constants.mrProperties.mr_properties(nucleus, *args)
Return magnetic resonance property of specified isotope.
This function is modeled after the Matlab function gmr written by Mirko Hrovat:
Also see: R.K.Harris et. al., Pure and Applied Chemistry, 2001, 73:1795-1818. Electron value comes from 1998 CODATA values,, or Xenon gyromagnetic ratio was calculated from 27.661 MHz value from Bruker's web site.
- Parameters:
nucleus (str) -- '0e', '1H', '2H', '6Li', '13C', 14N', etc.
B0 (float) -- (optional) B0 field in (mT)
flags (Additional) -- gamma: Return Gyromagnetic Ratio (Hz/T) spin: Return spin number of selected nucleus qmom: Return quadrupole moment [fm^2] (100 barns) natAbundance: Return natural abundance (%) relSensitivity: Return relative sensitivity with respect to 1H at constant B0 moment: Return magnetic dipole moment, abs(u)/uN = abs(gamma)*hbar[I(I + 1)]^1/2/uN qlw: Return quadrupolar line-width factor, Qlw = Q^2(2I + 3)/[I^2(2I + 1)]
dnp.dnpTools.mr_Properties('1H') = 26.7522128 # 1H Gyromagnetic Ratio (10^7r/Ts) dnp.dnpTools.mr_Properties('1H', 0.35) = 14902114.17018196 # 1H Larmor Freq at .35 T (Hz) dnp.dnpTools.mr_Properties('2H', 'qmom') = 0.286 # Nuclear Quadrupole Moment (fm^2) dnp.dnpTools.mr_Properties('6Li', 'natAbundance') = 7.59 # % Natural Abundance dnp.dnpTools.mr_Properties('6Li', 'relSensitivity') = 0.000645 # Relative sensitivity
- dnplab.constants.radicalProperties.radical_properties(name)
Return properties of different radicals. At the minimum the g value is returned. If available, large hyperfine couplings to a nucleus are returned. Add new properties or new radicals to
[[2.00980, 2.00622, 2.00220], "14N", [16.8, 20.5, 95.9]]
[[2.00909, 2.00621, 2.00222], "14N", [20.2, 20.2, 102.1]]
[[2.00263, 2.00260, 2.00257], "1H", [50.2, 34.5, 13.0]]
- Parameters:
name (str) -- Name of the radical
- Returns:
Principle g values and hyperfine coupling tensor
- Return type:
radicalProperties (dict)
Return g value of a free electron
>>> radical_properties("gfree")
- dnplab.constants.radicalProperties.show_dnp_properties(radical, mwFrequency, dnpNucleus)
Calculate DNP Properties for a given radical
- Parameters:
radical (str) -- Radical name, see for radicals that are currently implemented
mwFrequency (float) -- Microwave frequency in (Hz)
dnpNucleus (str) -- Nucleus for DNP-NMR experiments
- Returns:
Function returns a table of DNP parameters to the screen
>>> dnp.show_dnp_poperties('gfree', 9.45e9, '1H')
- class dnplab.core.base.ABCData(values=array([], dtype=float64), dims=[], coords=[], attrs={}, dnp_attrs={}, error=None, **kwargs)
N-Dimensional Data Object
- values
Data values in
- Type:
- dims
List of strings giving dimension labels
- Type:
- coords
Collection of numpy.ndarrays defining the axes
- Type:
- attrs
dictionary of parameters
- Type:
- error
If not None, error for values which are propagated during mathematical operations
- Type:
- proc_attrs
List of processing steps
- Type:
- align(b)
Align two data objects for numerical operations
- Parameters:
b -- Object to align with self
- Returns:
self and b aligned data objects
- Return type:
- argmax(dim)
Return value of coord at values maximum for given dim
- Parameters:
dim (str) -- Dimension to perform operation along
- argmax_index(dim)
Return index of coord at values maximum for given dim
- Parameters:
dim (str) -- Dimension to perform operation along
- argmin(dim)
Return value of coord at values minimum for given dim
- Parameters:
dim (str) -- Dimension to perform operation along
- argmin_index(dim)
Return index of coord at values minimum for given dim
- Parameters:
dim (str) -- Dimension to perform operation along
- chunk(dim, new_dims, new_sizes)
This is a placeholder for a function that's not yet implemented
- Parameters:
dim (str) -- Assume that the dimension dim is a direct product of the dimensions given in new_dims, and chunk it out into those new dimensions.
new_dims (list of str) --
The new dimensions to generate. Note that one of the elements of the list can be dim if you like.
It's assumed that the ordering of dim is a direct product given in C-ordering (i.e. the inner dimensions are listed last and the outer dimensions are listed first -- here "inner" means that changes to the index of the inner-most dimension correspond to adjacent positions in memory and/or adjacent indeces in the original dimension that you are chunking)
new_sizes (list of int) -- sizes of the new dimensions`
- Returns:
self -- The new nddata object. Note that uniformly ascending or descending coordinates are manipulated in a rational way, e.g. [1,2,3,4,5,6] when chunked to a size of [2,3] will yield coordinates for the two new dimensions: [1,4] and [0,1,2]. Coordinates that are not uniformly ascending or descending will yield and error and must be manually modified by the user.
- Return type:
- concatenate(b, dim)
Concatenate DNPData objects
- Parameters:
b (DNPData) -- Data object to append to current data object
dim (str) -- dimension to concatenate along
- copy()
Return deepcopy of dnpdata object
- Returns:
deep copy of data object
- cumulative_sum(dim)
Calculate Cumulative sum of dnpdata object
- Returns:
cumulative sum of data object
- property dtype
Values type
- Type:
- fold()
Fold 2d data to original ND shape
- get_coord(dim)
Return coord corresponding to given dimension name
- Parameters:
dim (str) -- Name of dim to retrieve coordinates from
- Returns:
array of coordinates
- Return type:
- index(dim)
Find index of given dimension name
- Parameters:
dim (str) -- Name of dimension to index
- Returns:
Index value of dim
- Return type:
- is_sorted(dim)
Determine if coords corresponding to give dim are sorted in ascending order :param dim: Dimension to check if sorted :type dim: str
- Returns:
True if sorted, False otherwise.
- Return type:
- maximum(dim)
Return max for given dim
- Parameters:
dim (str) -- Dimension to take maximum along
- merge_attrs(b)
Merge the given dictionaries
- Parameters:
b (nddata_core) -- attributes to merge into object
- minimum(dim)
Return min for given dim
- Parameters:
dim (str) -- Dimension to perform operation along
- property ndim
Number of dimensions
- Type:
- new_dim(dim, coord)
Add new dimension with length 1
- Parameters:
dim (str) -- Name of new dimension
coord (int, float) -- New coord
- rename(dim, new_name)
Rename dim
- Parameters:
dim (str) -- Name of dimension to rename
new_name (str) -- New name for dim
- reorder(dims)
Reorder dimensions
- Parameters:
dims (list) -- List of strings in new order
- property shape
Shape of values
- Type:
- property size
Returns values.size. Total number of elements in numpy array.
- smoosh(old_dims, new_name)
Not yet implemented.
smoosh does the opposite of chunk -- see :func`:~nddata_core.chunk`
- sort(dim)
Sort the coords corresponding to the given dim in ascending order
- Parameters:
dim (str) -- dimension to sort
- sort_dims()
Sort the dimensions
- split(dim, new_dim, coord)
Split the dimension dim into
- squeeze(dim)
Remove length 1 axes
- sum(dim)
Perform sum down given dimension
- Parameters:
dim (str) -- Dimension to perform sum down
- unfold(dim)
Unfold ND data to 2d data
- Parameters:
dim (str) -- Dimension to make first (length N), all other dimensions unfolded so that values has shape (N x M)
DNPData object for storing N-dimensional data with coordinates
- class[], dtype=float64), dims=[], coords=[], attrs={}, dnplab_attrs={'attenuation': 23, 'center_field': 3495.55, 'conversion_time': 20.0, 'data_format': 'Prospa', 'data_type': 'NMR', 'frequency': 14000000.0, 'modulation_amplitude': 1.0, 'modulation_frequency': 100.0, 'power': 1.002, 'receiver_gain': 13, 'repetition_time': 1.0, 'scans': 4, 'time_constant': 10.24}, proc_attrs=None, **kwargs)
DNPData Class for handling dnp data
The DNPData class is inspired by pyspecdata nddata object which handles n-dimensional data, axes, and other relevant information together.
This class is designed to handle data and axes together so that performing NMR processing can be performed easily.
- values
Numpy Array containing data
- Type:
- coords
List of numpy arrays containing axes of data
- Type:
- dims
List of axes labels for data
- Type:
- attrs
Dictionary of parameters for data
- Type:
- add_proc_attrs(proc_attr_name, proc_dict)
Stamp processing step to DNPData object
- Parameters:
proc_attr_name (str) -- Name of processing step (e.g. "fourier_transform")
proc_dict (dict) -- Dictionary of processing parameters for this processing step.
- dnplab_info()
Print parameters currently in used in dnplab
- exp_info()
Print experiment attributes currently in attrs dictionary
- phase()
Return phase of DNPData object
- Returns:
- phase of data calculated from sum of imaginary
divided by sum of real components
- Return type:
phase (float,int)
- proc_info(step_name=None)
Print processing steps and parameters currently in proc_attrs list
- select(selection)
Select subset of 2D data object
- Parameters:
selection (int, range, list, tuple) -- list or tuple of slices to keep
- Returns:
subset of DNPData object
- Return type:
DNPData object
Example, range(5,10), 15)) # keeps slices: 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 15
- show_attrs(show_exp_info=False, show_dnplab_info=True, show_proc_info=True)
Print experiment attributes, dnplab attributes and processing steps
- squeeze()
Remove all length 1 dimensions from data
Axes information is lost
- dnplab.core.util.concat(data_list, dim, coord=None, casting='same_kind')
Concatenates list of data objects down another dimension
- Parameters:
data_list (list) -- List of DNPData objects to concatentate
dim (str) -- new dimension name
coord -- coords for new dimension
- Returns:
concatenated data object
- Return type:
data (DNPData)
- dnplab.core.util.get_slice(data, dim, slice_index)
Get data slice of DNPData object
- dnplab.core.util.implements_np(np_function)
register an numpy function for special handling in SPECIAL_NO_HANDLED
- dnplab.core.util.update_axis(data, start_stop, dim=0, new_dims=0, spacing='lin', verbose=False)
Update axis
Update dimensions (dims) and axis (coords) of a dnpDate object. The name of the dims will be replaced with the name giving in new_dims. The variable start_stop defines the values of the new coords. This can be either a tuple (start values, stop value) or a vector with values. If the start and stop value is provided, either a linear axis (spacing = "lin", default) or a logarithmically space (spacing = "log") will be created. The new axis will replace the coords in the dnpdata object.
The function is currently implemented for 1D objects only.
- Parameters:
data (DNPData) -- dnpData object
start_stop (tuple or vector) -- Coords for new dimension
dim (int) -- Dimension to act on
new_dims (str) -- Name of the new dimension. If None the name will not be changed.
spacing (str) -- "lin" for linear spaced axis or "log" for logarithmically spaced axis
- Returns:
concatenated data object
- Return type:
data (DNPData)
-, data, dim, p0, fit_points=None, sigma=None, absolute_sigma=False, check_finite=True, bounds=(-inf, inf), method=None, jac=None, **kwargs)
Fitting function for DNPData
- Parameters:
f (func) -- Function used in scipy.curve_fit
data (DNPData) -- Data for fit
dim (str) -- Dimension to perform fit along
p0 (tuple) -- Initial guess for fit
fit_points (int) -- Number of points to use in the fit. If None (default), the number of points is the same as the data.
kwargs -- Additional parameters for scipy.curve_fit
- Returns:
Dictionary of fit, fitting parameters, and error
- Return type:
out (dict)
Functions to import Bruker EPR data
Import Bruker BES3T data and return dnpdata object
- Parameters:
path (str) -- Path to either .DSC or .DTA file
- Returns:
DNPData object containing Bruker BES3T data
- Return type:
bes3t_data (object)
Import contents of .DSC file
- Parameters:
path (str) -- Path to .DSC file
- Returns:
dictionary of parameters
- Return type:
attrs (dict)
-, path_xgf=None, path_ygf=None, path_zgf=None, attrs={})
Import data from .DTA file. Uses .DSC and .XGF, .YGF, or .ZGF files if they exists
- Parameters:
path_dta (str) -- Path to .DTA file
path_xgf (str) -- path to .XGF file for 1D data with nonlinear axis, "none" otherwise
path_ygf (str) -- path to .YGF file for 2D data, "none" if 1D or linear y axis
path_zgf (str) -- path to .ZGF file for 3D data, "none" if 1D/2D or linear z axis
attrs (dict) -- dictionary of parameters
- Returns:
Spectrum for 1D or spectra for 2D dims (list) : dimensions coords (ndarray) : coordinates for spectrum or spectra attrs (dict) : updated dictionary of parameters
- Return type:
values (ndarray)
-, axis_type='', axis_format='', axis_points=1, axis_min=1, axis_width=1, endian='')
Import data from .XGF, .YGF, or .ZGF files
- Parameters:
path (str) -- Path to ._GF file
axis_type (str) -- linear or nonlinear
axis_format (str) -- format of file data
axis_points (int) -- number of points in axis
axis_min (float) -- minimum value of axis
axis_width (float) -- total width of axis
endian (float) -- endian of data
- Returns:
axis coordinates
- Return type:
coords (ndarray)
-, power_file, experiment_list)
Split power readings files into array of power measurements equal in length to number of spectra in dataset
- Parameters:
path (str) -- Path to base folder containing power file
power_file (str) -- filename, "power" or "t1_powers"
experiment_list (list) -- list of folder numbers of experiments corresponding to power_file
- Returns:
list of power readings equal in length to experiment_list
- Return type:
power_list (list)
-, verbose=False)
Import Delta data and return DNPData object
Currently only 1D and 2D data sets are supported.
- Parameters:
path (str) -- Path to .jdf file
- Returns:
DNPData object containing Delta data
- Return type:
dnpdata (DNPData)
-, params={}, verbose=False)
Import spectrum or spectra of Delta data
Currently only 1D and 2D data sets are supported.
- Parameters:
path (str) -- Path to .jdf file
params (dict) -- dictionary of parameters
- Returns:
spectrum or spectra if >1D abscissa (list) : coordinates of axes dims (list) : axes names params (dict) : updated dictionary of parameters
- Return type:
y_data (ndarray)
-, context_start)
Import parameter fields of Delta data
- Parameters:
path (str) -- Path to .jdf file
context_start (int) -- the index where the context starts
- Returns:
dictionary of parameter fields and values
- Return type:
params (dict)
-, *args, **kwargs)
Returns Dictionary of dnpDataObjects
- Parameters:
path (str) -- Path to h5 file
- Returns:
workspace object with data
- Return type:
-, path, overwrite=False)
Save workspace in .h5 format
- Parameters:
dataDict (dict) -- dnpdata_collection object to save.
path (str) -- Path to save data
overwrite (bool) -- If True, h5 file can be overwritten. Otherwise, h5 file cannot be overwritten
-, dnpDataObject)
Writes dictionary to h5 file
- Parameters:
dnpDataGroup (h5py.Group) -- h5 group to write attrs dictionary
dnpDataObject (DNPData) -- DNPData object to write
-, dnpDataObject)
Takes file/group and writes dnpData object to it
- Parameters:
dnpDataGroup -- h5 group to save data to
dnpDataObject -- dnpdata object to save in h5 format
-, verbose=False)
Automatically detect data format
- Parameters:
test_path (str) -- Test directory
verbose (bool) -- If true, print output for debugging
- Returns:
Data format as string
- Return type:
-, data_format=None, dim=None, coord=[], verbose=False, *args, **kwargs)
Import data from different spectrometer formats
- Parameters:
path (str, list) -- Path to data directory or list of directories
data_format (str) -- format of spectrometer data to import (optional). Allowed values: "prospa", "topspin", "delta", "vnmrj", "tnmr", "specman", "xenon", "xepr", "winepr", "esp", "h5", "power", "vna", "cnsi_powers"
dim (str) -- If giving directories as list, name of dimension to concatenate data along
coord (numpy.ndarray) -- If giving directories as list, coordinates of new dimension
verbose (bool) -- If true, print debugging output
args -- Args passed to spectrometer specific import function
kwargs -- Key word args passed to spectrometer specific import function
- Returns:
Data object
- Return type:
data (dnpData)
Load a data file
>>> data = dnp.load('Path/To/File')
Load a list of files and concatenate down a new dimension called 't1' with coordinates
>>> data = dnp.load(['1/data.1d','2/data.1d','3/data.1d'], dim = 't1', coord = np.r_[0.1,0.2,0.3])
-, data_format=None, verbose=False, *args, **kwargs)
Import data from different spectrometer formats
- Parameters:
path (str) -- Path to data directory or file
data_format (str) -- Format of spectrometer data to import (optional). Allowed values: "prospa", "topspin", "delta", "vnmrj", "tnmr", "specman", "xenon", "xepr", "winepr", "esp", "h5", "power", "vna", "cnsi_powers"
verbose (bool) -- If true, print additional debug outputs
args -- Arguments passed to spectrometer specific import function
kwargs -- Key word arguments passed to spectrometer specific import function
- Returns:
Data object
- Return type:
data (dnpData)
-, expNumList, powersList)
Given a dictionary of dnpData objects with key being folder string, return the data with power values assigned to a new axis dimension
- Parameters:
dataDict (dict) -- dictionary of data objects
expNumList (list) -- List of experiment numbers
powersList (list) -- List of powers
- Returns:
Data object with powers
- Return type:
-, p, threshold=0.1)
Use Derivative to chop Powers
- Parameters:
t (numpy.ndarray) -- Array of time points
p (numpy.ndarray) -- Array of powers
threshold (float) -- Threshold to chop powers
- Returns:
Array of average time values averagePowerArray: Array of average power values
- Return type:
-, filename='')
import powers file
- Parameters:
path (str) -- Directory of powers
filename (str) -- filename of powers if given
- Returns:
Array of time points p (numpy.ndarray): Array of powers
- Return type:
t (numpy.ndarray)
-, return_raw=False, is_complex=True)
Import Kea csv file
- Parameters:
path (str) -- Path to csv file
- Returns:
x(numpy.array): axes if return_raw = False data(numpy.array): Data in csv file
- Return type:
Import Kea binary 1d, 2d, 3d, 4d files
- Parameters:
path (str) -- Path to file
- Returns:
x (None, numpy.array): Axes if included in binary file, None otherwise data (numpy.array): Numpy array of data
- Return type:
Import Kea parameters .par file
- Parameters:
path (str) -- Path to parameters file
- Returns:
Dictionary of Kea Parameters
- Return type:
-, parameters_filename=None, experiment=None, verbose=False)
Import Kea data
- Parameters:
path (str) -- Path to data
parameters_filename (str) --
experiment (str) -- Prospa experiment, used when calculating coords from parameters
verbose (bool) -- If true, prints additional information for troubleshooting
- Returns:
dnpdata object with Kea data
-, data_shape, experiment)
Generate coords from prospa acquisition parameters
- Parameters:
attrs (dict) -- Dictionary of prospa acqusition parameters
data_shape (tuple) -- Shape of data
- Returns:
dims and coords
- Return type:
-, filename, save_type=None, *args, **kwargs)
Save data to h5 format
- Parameters:
data_object (DNPData) -- dnpdata object to save
filename (str) -- name of file, must include extension .h5
save_type (str) -- Type of file to save (optional). Allowed values: "h5"
- Returns:
Analyze the attrs and add some important attrs to existing dictionary
- Parameters:
attrs (dict) -- Dictionary of specman acqusition parameters
- Returns:
The dictionary of specman acqusition parameters and added parameters
- Return type:
attrs (dict)
-, old_coords, dims=None)
Generate coords from specman acquisition parameters
- Parameters:
attrs (dict) -- Dictionary of specman acqusition parameters
dims (list) -- (Optional) a list of dims
- Returns:
a calculated coords
- Return type:
coords (list)
Generate dims from specman acquisition parameters
- Parameters:
attrs (dict) -- Dictionary of specman acqusition parameters
- Returns:
a new dims
- Return type:
dims (list)
-, autodetect_coords: bool = False, autodetect_dims: bool = False)
Import SpecMan data and return DNPData object
DNPLab function to import SpecMan4EPR data ( The function returns a DNPdata object with the spectral data.
The structure of the DNPdata object can be complex and the variables saved by SpecMan depend on the individual spectrometer configuration. Therefore, the import function returns a numpy array with the dimension "x0", "x1", "x2", "x3", "x4". In any case, the dimension "x0" corresponds to the variables stored in the data file. The spectroscopic data is stored in "x1" to "x4", depending on how many dimensions were recorded. The import function will require a parser script to properly assign the spectroscopic data and proper coordinates.
- Parameters:
path (str) -- Path to either .exp file
autodetect_coords (bool) -- Autodetect coords based on attrs
autodetect_dims (bool) -- Autodetect dims based on attrs
- Returns:
DNPData object containing SpecMan EPR data
- Return type:
data (DNPData)
-, attrs, verbose=False)
Import SpecMan d01 data file
DNPLab function to import the SpecMan d01 data file. The format of the SpecMan data file is described here:
- Parameters:
path (str) -- Path to either .d01 or .exp file
- Returns:
SpecMan data as numpy array params (dict): Dictionary with import updated parameters dictionary
- Return type:
data (ndarray)
Import SpecMan parameters
DNPLab function to read and import the SpecMan exp file. The .exp file is a text file that stores the experimental data, the pulse program, and other spectrometer configuration files.
- Parameters:
path (str) -- Path to either .d01 or .exp file
- Returns:
Dictionary of parameter fields and values (DNPLab attributes)
- Return type:
attrs (dict)
-, squeeze=True)
Import tnmr data and return DNPData object
- Parameters:
path (str) -- Path to .jdf file
squeeze (bool) -- Automatically remove length 1 dimensions
- Returns:
DNPData object containing tnmr data
- Return type:
dnpdata (object)
Import spectrum or spectra of tnmr data
- Parameters:
path (str) -- Path to .tnt file
- Returns:
Spectrum or spectra if >1D abscissa (list): Coordinates of axes dims (list): Axes names
- Return type:
data (ndarray)
Determine group delay from tables
- Parameters:
attrs_dict (dict) -- dictionary of topspin acquisition parameters
- Returns:
Group delay. Number of points FID is shifted by DSP. The ceiling of this number (group delay rounded up) is the number of points should be removed from the start of the FID.
- Return type:
-, assign_vdlist=False, remove_digital_filter=False, read_offset=False, verbose=False, **kwargs)
Import topspin data and return dnpdata object
- Parameters:
path (str) -- Directory of data
assign_vdlist -- False, or the name of dimension to assign topspin vdlist
remove_digital_filter (bool) -- Option to remove group delay (see note below)
verbose (bool) -- Print additional output for troubleshooting
The group delay is a consequence of the oversampling and digital filtering in Bruker spectrometers. For more details see these blog posts and
- Returns:
topspin data
- Return type:
-, required_params=None, verbose=False)
Import topspin acqu or proc files
- Parameters:
path (str) -- directory of acqu or proc file
required_params (list) -- Only return parameters given
verbose (bool) -- If true, print output for troubleshooting
- Returns:
Dictionary of acqusition parameters
- Return type:
-, dtype='>i4')
Import Topspin Ser file
- Parameters:
path (str) -- Directory of data
dtype (str) -- data format for import
- Returns:
Data from ser file
- Return type:
raw (np.ndarray)
-, verbose=False)
Import prospa processed data
- Parameters:
path (str) -- Directory of pdata
verbose (bool) -- If true, print output for troubleshooting
- Returns:
Topspin processed data
- Return type:
-, dtype='>i4')
Depreciated. Use load bin. Import Topspin Ser file
- Parameters:
path (str) -- Directory of data
dtype (str) -- data format for import
- Returns:
Data from ser file
- Return type:
raw (np.ndarray)
-'1', title_path='pdata/1', title_filename='title')
Import Topspin Experiment Title File
- Parameters:
path (str) -- Directory of title
title_path (str) -- Path within experiment of title
title_filename (str) -- filename of title
- Returns:
Contents of experiment title file
- Return type:
-, verbose=False)
Return the contents of topspin JCAMP-DX file as dictionary
- Parameters:
path (str) -- Path to file
verbose (bool) -- If true, print output for troubleshooting
- Returns:
Dictionary of JCAMP-DX file parameters
- Return type:
Return topspin vdlist
- Parameters:
path (str) -- Directory of data
- Returns:
vdlist as numpy array
- Return type:
Return array dimension coords from parameters dictionary
- Parameters:
attrs (dict) -- Dictionary of procpar parameters
- Returns:
dim and coord for array
- Return type:
-, filename='fid')
Import VnmrJ fid file
- Parameters:
path (str) -- Directory of fid file
filename (str) -- Name of fid file. "fid" by default
- Returns:
Array of data
- Return type:
-, filename='procpar')
Import VnmrJ procpar parameters file
- Parameters:
path (str) -- Directory of file
- Returns:
Dictionary of procpar parameters
- Return type:
-, fidFilename='fid', paramFilename='procpar')
Import VnmrJ Data
- Parameters:
path (str) -- path to experiment folder
fidFilename (str) -- FID file name
paramFilename (str) -- process parameter filename
- Returns:
data in dnpdata object
- Return type:
Import Bruker par/spc data and return DNPData object
- Parameters:
path (str) -- Path to either .par or .spc file
- Returns:
DNPData object containing Bruker par/spc data
- Return type:
parspc_data (object)
Import contents of .par file
- Parameters:
path (str) -- Path to .par file
- Returns:
dictionary of parameters
- Return type:
attrs (dict)
-, attrs)
Import data and axes of .spc file
- Parameters:
path (str) -- Path to .spc file
- Returns:
coordinates for spectrum or spectra values (ndarray) : data values attrs (dict) : updated dictionary of parameters dims (list) : dimension labels
- Return type:
coords (ndarray)
- dnplab.math.lineshape.gaussian(x, x0, sigma, integral=1.0)
Gaussian distribution.
- Parameters:
x (array_like) -- input x
x0 (float) -- Center of distribution
sigma (float) -- Standard deviation of Gaussian distribution
integral (float) -- Integral of distribution
- Returns:
Gaussian distribution
- Return type:
The Gaussian distribution is defined as:
\[f(x; x_0, \sigma) = \frac{1}{\sigma \sqrt{2 \pi}} \exp{\left(\frac{(x-x_0)^2}{2 \sigma^2}\right)}\]
- dnplab.math.lineshape.lorentzian(x, x0, gamma, integral=1.0, deriv=False)
Lorentzian Distribution.
- Parameters:
x (array_like) -- input x
x0 (float) -- Center of distribution
gamma (float) -- Lorentzian width. 2*gamma is full width at half maximum (FWHM)
integral (float) -- Integral of distribution
deriv (boolean) -- Derivative of a Lorentzian Distribution (Imaginary part of a phased spectrum)
- Returns:
Lorentzian distribution
- Return type:
The Lorentzian distribution is defined as:
\[f(x) = \frac{1}{\pi \gamma} \left[\frac{\gamma^2}{(x-x_0)^2 + \gamma^2}\right]\]Derivative:
\[f(x) = \frac{1}{\pi \gamma} \left[\frac{- 2\gamma^2 (x-x_0)}{\left( (x-x_0)^2 + \gamma^2 \right)^2}\right]\]
- dnplab.math.lineshape.voigtian(x, x0, sigma, gamma, integral=1.0, deriv=False)
Voigtian distribution. Lineshape given by a convolution of Gaussian and Lorentzian distributions.
- Parameters:
x (array_like) -- input x
x0 (float) -- center of distribution
sigma (float) -- Gaussian Linewidth. Standard deviation of Gaussian distribution.
gamma (float) -- Lorentzian linewidth. 2*gamma is the full width at half maximum (FWHM)
integral (float) -- Integral of distribution
deriv (boolean) -- Derivative of a Voigtian distribution (Gaussian broadened imaginary part of a phased spectrum).
- Returns:
Voigtian distribution
- Return type:
The Voigtian distribution is defined as:
\[f(x; x_0, \sigma, \gamma) = \frac{\operatorname{Re}[w(z)]}{\sigma \sqrt{2 \pi}}\]with
\[z = \frac{x + i\gamma}{\sigma \sqrt{2}}\]Derivative: .. math:
f(x) = \frac{1}{\sigma^3 \sqrt{2 \pi}} \left[ \gamma \operatorname{Im}[w(z)] - \left(x - x0\right) \operatorname{Re}[w(z)] \right]
\[z = \frac{\left( \left( x - x0 \right) + 1j \gamma \right)}{\sigma \sqrt{2}}\]
- dnplab.math.relaxation.buildup_function(p, E_max, p_half)
Calculate asymptotic buildup curve
- Parameters:
p (array) -- power series
E_max (float) -- maximum enhancement
p_half (float) -- power at half saturation
- Returns:
buildup curve
- Return type:
\[f(p) = 1 + E_{max} * p / (p_{1/2} + p)\]
- dnplab.math.relaxation.general_biexp(t, C1, C2, tau1, C3, tau2)
Calculate bi-exponential curve
- Parameters:
t (array_like) -- time series
C1 (float) -- see equation
C2 (float) -- see equation
C3 (float) -- see equation
tau1 (float) -- see equation
tau2 (float) -- see equation
- Returns:
bi-exponential curve
- Return type:
\[f(t) = C1 + C2 e^{-t/tau1} + C3 e^{-t/tau2}\]
- dnplab.math.relaxation.general_exp(t, C1, C2, tau)
Calculate mono-exponential curve
- Parameters:
t (array_like) -- time series
C1 (float) -- see equation
C2 (float) -- see equation
tau (float) -- see equation
- Returns:
mono-exponential curve
- Return type:
\[f(t) = C1 + C2 e^{-t/tau}\]
- dnplab.math.relaxation.ksigma_smax(p, E_max, p_half)
Calculate asymptotic buildup curve
- Parameters:
p (array) -- power series
E_max (float) -- maximum enhancement
p_half (float) -- power at half saturation
- Returns:
buildup curve
- Return type:
\[f(p) = E_{max} * p / (p_{1/2} + p)\]
- dnplab.math.relaxation.logistic(x, c, x0, L, k)
Not Implemented. Placeholder for calculating asymptotic buildup curve
- Parameters:
x (array) -- x values
c (float) -- offset
x0 (float) -- x-value of sigmoid's midpoint
L (float) -- maximum value
k (float) -- logistic growth steepness
- Returns:
buildup curve
- Return type:
- dnplab.math.relaxation.t1(t, T1, M_0, M_inf)
Exponential recovery for inversion recovery and saturation recovery T1 Measurements
- Parameters:
t (array_like) -- time series
T_1 (float) -- T1 value
M_0 (float) -- see equation
M_inf (float) -- see equation
- Returns:
T1 curve
- Return type:
\[f(t) = M_{\infty} - (M_{\infty} - M_0) e^{-t/T_1}\]
- dnplab.math.relaxation.t2(t, M_0, T2, p=1.0)
Calculate stretched or un-stretched (p=1) exponential T2 curve
- Parameters:
t (array_like) -- time series
M_0 (float) -- see equation
T_2 (float) -- T2 value
p (float) -- see equation
- Returns:
T2 curve
- Return type:
\[f(t) = M_{0} e^{(-(t/T_{2})^{p}}\]
- dnplab.math.window.exponential(x, lw)
Calculate exponential window function
- Parameters:
x (array_like) -- Vector of points
lw (int or float) -- linewidth
- Returns:
exponential window function
- Return type:
\[\mathrm{exponential} = e^{-\pi * x * lw}\]
- dnplab.math.window.gaussian(x, lw)
Calculate gaussian window function
- Parameters:
x (array_like) -- vector of points
lw (float) -- Standard deviation of gaussian window
- Returns:
gaussian window function
- Return type:
\[\mathrm{gaussian} = e^{(\sigma * x^{2})}\]
- dnplab.math.window.hamming(x)
Calculate hamming window function
- Parameters:
x (array_like) -- vector of points
N (int) -- number of points to return in window function
- Returns:
hamming window function
- Return type:
\[\mathrm{hamming} = 0.53836 + 0.46164\cos(\pi * n / (N-1))\]
- dnplab.math.window.hann(x)
Calculate hann window function
- Parameters:
x (array_like) -- vector of points
N (int) -- number of points to return in window function
- Returns:
hann window function
- Return type:
\[\mathrm{hann} = 0.5 + 0.5\cos(\pi * n / (N-1))\]
- dnplab.math.window.lorentz_gauss(x, lw, gauss_lw, gaussian_max=0)
Calculate lorentz-gauss window function
- Parameters:
x (array_like) -- vector of points
N (int) -- number of points to return in window function
lw (int or float) -- exponential linewidth
gauss_lw (int or float) -- gaussian linewidth
gaussian_max (int) -- location of maximum in gaussian window
- Returns:
gauss_lorentz window function
- Return type:
\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}\mathrm{lorentz\_gauss} &= \exp(L - G^{2}) &\\ L(t) &= \pi * \mathrm{linewidth[0]} * t &\\ G(t) &= 0.6\pi * \mathrm{linewidth[1]} * (\mathrm{gaussian\_max} * (N - 1) - t) &\end{aligned}\end{align} \]
- dnplab.math.window.sin2(x)
Calculate sin-squared window function
- Parameters:
x (array_like) -- vector of points
N (int) -- number of points to return in window function
- Returns:
sin-squared window function
- Return type:
\[\sin^{2} = \cos((-0.5\pi * n / (N - 1)) + \pi)^{2}\]
- dnplab.math.window.traf(x, lw)
Calculate traf window function
- Parameters:
x (array_like) -- vector of points
lw (str) -- linewidth of traficant window
- Returns:
traf window function
- Return type:
\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}\mathrm{traf} &= (f1 * (f1 + f2)) / (f1^{2} + f2^{2}) &\\ f1(t) &= \exp(-t * \pi * \mathrm{linewidth[0]}) &\\ f2(t) &= \exp((t - T) * \pi * \mathrm{linewidth[1]}) &\end{aligned}\end{align} \]
- dnplab.plotting.general.fancy_plot(data, xlim=[], title='', showPar=False, *args, **kwargs)
Streamline Plot function for dnpdata objects
This function creates streamlined plots for NMR and EPR spectra. The type of the spectrum is detected from the attribute "experiment_type" of the dnpdata object. Currently the following types are implemented: nmr_spectrum, epr_spectrum, enhancements_P, and inversion_recovery. The function will automatically format the plot according to the "experiment_type" attribute.
- Parameters:
data (DNPData) -- DNPData object with values to plot
xlim (tuple) -- List of limit values for plotting function
title (str) -- Plot title
showPar (boolean) -- Toggle whether to show experiment parameters
- Returns:
Returns formatted matplotlib plot.
Simply just plotting the dnpdata object:
>>> dnp.fancy_plot(data)
Plot EPR spectrum from 344 mT to 354 mT, show experimental parameters:
>>> dnp.fancy_plot(data, xlim=[344, 354], title="EPR Spectrum", showPar=True)
- dnplab.plotting.general.plot(data, *args, **kwargs)
Plot function for dnpdata object
- Parameters:
data (DNPData) -- DNPData object for matplotlib plot function
args -- args for matplotlib plot function
kwargs -- kwargs for matplotlib plot function
semilogy (if any of) --
semilogx --
polar --
loglog --
scatter --
with (errorbar or step is in kwargs the argument will be evaluated) --
plot (bool(). If this evaluates to True the corresponding matplotlib function is used instead of the standard) --
- Returns:
Returns formated matplotlib plot.
Plotting a DNPData object:
>>> dnp.plt.figure() >>> dnp.plot(data) >>>
# Plotting two DNPData objects (data1 and data2) on the same figure:
>>> dnp.plt.figure() >>> dnp.plot(data1) >>> dnp.plot(data2) >>>
Plotting a DNPData object with some custom parameters:
>>> dnp.plt.figure() >>> dnp.plot(data, 'k-', linewidth = 3.0, alpha = 0.5) >>>
Plotting a DNPData object with a semilogy plot (possible arguments: semilogy=1, semilogy=True, semilogy="True") Forwarded arguments: semilogy, semilogx, polar, loglog, scatter, errorbar or step The absolute value is taken to ensure that the y axis is always positive
>>> dnp.plt.figure() >>> dnp.plot(np.abs(data), 'k-', linewidth = 3.0, alpha = 0.5, semilogy=1) >>>
- dnplab.plotting.image.imshow(data, *args, **kwargs)
Image Plot for dnpdata object
- Parameters:
data (DNPData) -- DNPData object for image plot
args -- args for matplotlib imshow function
kwargs -- kwargs for matplotlib imshow function
- Returns:
Returns formated matplotlib plot.
Plotting a dnpdata object
>>> dnp.plt.figure() >>> dnp.imshow(data) >>>
Plotting a workspace (dnpdata_collection)
>>> dnp.plt.figure() >>> dnp.imshow(data) >>>
Stack Plot
- dnplab.plotting.stack_plot.stack(data, *args, offset=None, **kwargs)
Stack Plot for 2D data
- Parameters:
data (dnpdata) -- dnpdata object for matplotlib plot function
args -- args for matplotlib plot function
offset -- Value to offset each spectra, by default maximum of absolute value
kwargs -- kwargs for matplotlib plot function
dnp.dnpResults.plt.figure() dnp.dnpResults.stack(data)
- dnplab.plotting.stack_plot.waterfall(data, dx, dy, *args, **kwargs)
Waterfall plot for 2d data
- Parameters:
data (dnpData) -- 2d Data object for waterfall plot
dx (float, int) -- x-increment for each line
dy (float, int) -- y-increment for each line
dnp.dnpResults.plt.figure() dnp.dnpResults.waterfall(data)
- dnplab.processing.align.ndalign(data, dim='f2', reference=None, center=None, width=None)
Alignment of NMR spectra using FFT Cross Correlation
- Parameters:
all_data (object) -- DNPData object
dim (str) -- Dimension to align along
reference (numpy) -- Reference spectra for alignment
center (float) -- Center of alignment range, by default entire range
width (float) -- Width of alignment range, by default entire range
- Returns:
Aligned data
- Return type:
>>> data_aligned = dnp.ndalign(data) >>> data_aligned = dnp.ndalign(data, center = 10, width = 20)
- dnplab.processing.apodization.apodize(data, dim='t2', kind='exponential', **kwargs)
Apply Apodization to data along a given dimension. Currently the following window functions are implemented: exponential, gaussian, hanning, hamming, and sin-squared. In addition the following window transformation functions are implemented: traf, and lorentz_gauss
- Parameters:
data (DNPData) -- Data object
dim (str) -- Dimension to apply apodization along, "t2" by default
kind (str) -- Type of apodization, "exponential" by default
kwargs -- Arguments to be passed to apodization function, e.g. line width parameter
- Returns:
Data object with window function applied, including attr "window"
- Return type:
Examples of using apodize
Exponential line broadening using a line width of 2 Hz along the f2 dimension
>>> data = dnp.apodize(data, lw = 2)
Lorentz-Gauss transformation:
>>> data = dnp.apodize(data, dim = 't2', kind = 'lorentz_gauss', lw = 4, gauss_lw = 8)
\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}\mathrm{exponential} &= \exp(-2t * \mathrm{linewidth}) &\\\mathrm{gaussian} &= \exp((\mathrm{linewidth[0]} * t) - (\mathrm{linewidth[1]} * t^{2})) &\\\mathrm{hamming} &= 0.53836 + 0.46164\cos(\pi * n/(N-1)) &\\\mathrm{han} &= 0.5 + 0.5\cos(\pi * n/(N-1)) &\\\mathrm{sin2} &= \cos((-0.5\pi * n/(N - 1)) + \pi)^{2} &\\\mathrm{lorentz\_gauss} &= \exp(L - G^{2}) &\\ L(t) &= \pi * \mathrm{linewidth[0]} * t &\\ G(t) &= 0.6\pi * \mathrm{linewidth[1]} * (\mathrm{gaussian\_max} * (N - 1) - t) &\\\mathrm{traf} &= (f1 * (f1 + f2)) / (f1^{2} + f2^{2}) &\\ f1(t) &= \exp(-t * \pi * \mathrm{linewidth[0]}) &\\ f2(t) &= \exp((t - T) * \pi * \mathrm{linewidth[1]}) &\end{aligned}\end{align} \]
- dnplab.processing.fft.fourier_transform(data, dim='t2', zero_fill_factor=1, shift=True, convert_to_ppm=True)
Perform Fourier Transform along the dimension (dim) given in proc_parameters
- Parameters:
data (DNPData) -- Data object
dim (str) -- Dimension to Fourier Transform. The default is "t2"
zero_fill_factor (int) -- Increases the number of points in Fourier transformed dimension by this factor with zero filling. The default is 1
shift (bool) -- Apply fftshift to the Fourier transformed data, placing zero frequency at center of dimension
convert_to_ppm (bool) -- If true, convert Fourier transformed axis to ppm units by using the "frequency" stored in attrs
- Returns:
Data object after Fourier Transformation
- Return type:
data (DNPData)
Fourier transformation of a (NMR) FID stored in a DNPData object
>>> data = dnp.fourier_transform(data)
Fourier transform along t1 dimension and zero fill to twice the original length
>>> data = dnp.fourier_transform(data, dim = "t1", zero_fill_factor = 2)
The fourier_transform function assumes dt = t[1] - t[0]
- dnplab.processing.fft.inverse_fourier_transform(data, dim='f2', zero_fill_factor=1, shift=True, convert_from_ppm=True)
Perform an inverse Fourier Transform along the dimension (dim) given in proc_parameters
- Parameters:
data (DNPData) -- Data object
dim (str) -- Dimension to inverse Fourier transform. The default is "f2"
zero_fill_factor (int) -- Increases the number of points in inverse Fourier transformed dimension by this factor with zero filling. The default is 1
shift (bool) -- Apply fftshift to the inverse Fourier transformed data, placing zero frequency at center of dimension
convert_from_ppm (bool) -- If true, convert Fourier transformed axis from ppm units to Hz by using the "frequency" stored in attrs
- Returns:
Data object after inverse Fourier Transformation
- Return type:
data (DNPData)
Assumes df = f[1] - f[0]
- dnplab.processing.helpers.calculate_enhancement(data, off_spectrum_index=0, return_complex_values=False)
Calculate enhancement of a power series. Needs integrals as input
- dnplab.processing.helpers.create_complex(data, real, imag=None, real_index=0, imag_index=1)
Create complex array from input
This function can be used to concatenate a two dimensions of a DNPData object into a complex array. The unused dims and coords will be removed from the input DNPData object. When a String is provided as the second argument the index in that dimension given by real_index is assumed to be the real part of the dataset and the one by imag_index is the iamginary part. The dataset is then combined to form one complex dataset, imag is ignored. Note that dimension with size 1 are retained but will be placed at the end of the retuned DNPData object.
- Parameters:
data (DNPData) -- DNPData input object
real (array, String) -- Real data if array or when a String is provided the dimension that contains real and imaginary part (the dimension must have length 2)
imag (array, None) -- Imaginary data or None, if None is provided a complex dataset is created with the imaginary part set to 0
real_index (Integer) -- Index of real part in chosen dimension, default=0, must be 0 or 1 and be different from imag_index
imag_index (Integer) -- Index of imaginary part in chosen dimension, default=1, must be 0 or 1 and be different from real_index
- Returns:
New DNPData object
- Return type:
data (DNPData)
Examples: In this example, first a data set is loaded. The data set is of the size 4000 x 2 (ndarray, float32) and the dims are called 't2','x'
With the first dimension ([...,0]) being the real data and the second ([...,1]) the imaginary data. Using the function create_complex the dnpdata object is converted into a complex data set.
data = dnp.load("MyFile.exp") # Load example data data_complex = dnp.create_complex(data, data.values[..., 0], data.values[..., 1])
Or with the second variant;
data = dnp.load("MyFile.exp") # Load example data data_complex = dnp.create_complex(data,'x')
- dnplab.processing.helpers.left_shift(data, dim='t2', shift_points=0)
Remove points from the left
- Parameters:
data (DNPData) -- Data object
dim (str) -- Name of dimension to left shift, default is "t2"
shift_points (int) -- Number of points to left shift, default is 0.
- Returns:
Shifted data object
- Return type:
data (DNPDdata)
- dnplab.processing.helpers.normalize(data, amplitude=True, dim=None, regions=None)
Normalize spectrum
The function is used to normalize the amplitude (or area) of a spectrum to a value of 1. The sign of the original data will be conserved.
- Parameters:
data (DNPData) -- Data object
amplitude (boolean) -- True: normalize amplitude, false: normalize area. The default is True
dim (str or None) -- The dimension to normalize, if None the data is normalized to the maximum of the whole dataset, if a dimension is given the normalization is done along this dimension for each other dimension
regions (None, list) -- Tuple to specify range of normalize reference e.g. (-99., 99.), if None the whole range is used for normalization
- Returns:
Normalized data object
- Return type:
data (DNPDdata)
- dnplab.processing.helpers.pseudo_modulation(data, modulation_amplitude, dim='B0', order=1, zero_padding=2)
Calculate the first derivative of an EPR spectrum due to field modulation
Calculation is based on: Hyde et al., “Pseudo Field Modulation in EPR Spectroscopy.”, Applied Magnetic Resonance 1 (1990): 483–96.
- Parameters:
data (DNPData) -- DNPData object (typically an absorption line EPR spectrum)
modulation_amplitude -- Peak to peak modulation amplitude. The unit is equal to the unit of the axis. E.g. if the spectrum axis is given in (T), the unit of the modulation amplitude is in (T) as well.
dim -- Dimension to pseudo modulate (default is B0)
order -- Harmonic of field modulation (default is 1, 1st derivative)
zero_padding -- Number of points for zero-padding (multiples of spectrum vector length). Default is 2. Increase this number for short signal vectors.
- Returns:
Pseudo modulated spectrum
- Return type:
data (DNPData)
# Calculate pseudo_modulated spectrum (1st derivative). Field axis given in (T) spec_mod = dnp.pseudo_modulation(spec, modulation_amplitude = 0.001) # Calculate pseudo_modulated spectrum (2nd derivative). Field axis given in (T) spec_mod = dnp.pseudo_modulation(spec, modulation_amplitude = 0.001, order = 2)
- dnplab.processing.helpers.reference(data, dim='f2', old_ref=0, new_ref=0)
Function for referencing NMR spectra
- dnplab.processing.helpers.signal_to_noise(data: DNPData, signal_region: list = slice(0, None, None), noise_region: list = (None, None), dim: str = 'f2', remove_background: list | None = None, complex_noise=False, **kwargs)
Find signal-to-noise ratio
Simplest implementation: select largest value in a signal_region and divide this value by the estimated std. deviation of another noise_region. If the noise_region list contains (None,None) (the default) then all points except the points +10% and -10% around the maximum are used for the noise_region.
- Parameters:
data -- Spectrum data
signal_region (list) -- list with a single tuple (start,stop) of a region where a signal should be searched, default is [slice(0,None)] which is the whole spectrum
noise_region (list) -- list with tuples (start,stop) of regions that should be taken as noise, default is (None,None)
dim (str) -- dimension of data that is used for snr calculation, default is 'f2'
remove_background (list) -- if this is not None (a list of tuples, or a single tuple) this will be forwarded to dnp.remove_background, together with any kwargs
complex_noise (bool) -- Flag that indicates whether the noise should be calculated on the real part of the noise or on the complex data (default = False)
kwargs -- parameters for dnp.remove_background
- Returns:
DNPData object that contains SNR values, the axis dim is replaced by an axis named "signal_region"
- Return type:
A note for the usage: regions can be provided as (min,max), slices use indices. To use the standard values just use
>>> snr = dnp.signal_to_noise(data)
If you want to select a region for the noise and the signal:
>>> snr = dnp.signal_to_noise(data,[(-1.23,300.4)],noise_region=[(-400,-240.5),(123.4,213.5)])
With background subtracted:
>>> snr = dnp.signal_to_noise(data,[(-1.23,300.4)],noise_region=[(-400,-240.5),(123.4,213.5)],remove_background=[(123.4,213.5)])
This function allows to use a single tuple instead of a list with a single tuple for signal_region, noise_region and remove_background. This is for convenience, slices are currently only supoprted for signal_region and noise_region.
>>> snr = dnp.signal_to_noise(data,(-1.23,300.4),noise_region=[(-400,-240.5),(123.4,213.5],remove_background=(123.4,213.5))
- dnplab.processing.helpers.smooth(data, dim='t2', window_length=11, polyorder=3)
Apply Savitzky-Golay Smoothing
This function is a wrapper function for the savgol_filter from the SciPy python package ( For a more detailed description see the SciPy help for this function.
- dnplab.processing.integration.cumulative_integrate(data, dim='f2', regions=None)
Cumulative integration
- Parameters:
data (DNPData) -- Data object
dim (str) -- Dimension to perform cumulative integration
regions (None, list) -- List of tuples to specify range of integration [(min, max), ...]
- Returns:
cumulative sum of data
- Return type:
Example showing cumulative integration of lorentzian function
>>> import numpy as np >>> from matplotlib.pylab import * >>> import dnplab as dnp >>> x = np.r_[-10:10:1000j] >>> y = dnp.math.lineshape.lorentzian(x,0,1) >>> data = dnp.DNPData(y, ['f2'], [x]) >>> data_int = dnp.cumulative_integrate(data) >>> figure() >>> dnp.plot(data) >>> dnp.plot(data_int) >>> show()
- dnplab.processing.integration.integrate(data, dim='f2', regions=None)
Integrate data along given dimension. If no region is given, the integral is calculated over the entire range.
- Parameters:
data (DNPData) -- Data object
dim (str) -- Dimension to perform integration. Default is "f2"
regions (None, list) -- List of tuples defining the region to integrate
- Returns:
Integrals of data. If multiple regions are given the first value corresponds to the first region, the second value corresponds to the second region, etc.
- Return type:
data (DNPData)
Integrated entire data region:
>>> data = dnp.integrate(data)
Integrate single peak/region:
>>> data = dnp.integrate(data, regions=[(4, 5)])
Integrate two regions:
>>> data = dnp.integrate(data, regions=[(1.1, 2.1), (4.5, 4.9)])
- dnplab.processing.offset.background(data, dim='t2', deg=0, regions=None, func: callable | None = None, **kwargs)
Remove background from data
- Parameters:
data (DNPData) -- Data object
dim (str) -- Dimension to perform background fit
deg (int) -- Polynomial degree
regions (None, list) -- Background regions, by default entire region is background corrected. Regions can be specified as a list of tuples [(min, max), ...]
func (optional callable) -- The fitting function to fit the background
**kwargs -- arguments for fitting function
- Returns:
Background fit
- Return type:
0th-order background fit (DC offset)
>>> bg = dnp.background(data)
Background with a given fit function
>>> bg = dnp.background(data, dim = 'tau', func= dnp.relaxation.general_exp, p0=(1,-1,900))
- dnplab.processing.offset.remove_background(data, dim='t2', deg=0, regions=None, func: callable | None = None, **kwargs)
Remove polynomial background from data
- Parameters:
data (DNPData) -- Data object
dim (str) -- Dimension to perform background fit
deg (int) -- Polynomial degree
regions (None, list) -- Background regions, by default the entire region is used to calculate the background correction. Regions can be specified as a list of tuples [(min, max), ...]
func (optional callable) -- The fitting function to fit the background
**kwargs -- arguments for fitting function
- Returns:
Background corrected data
- Return type:
data (DNPData)
0th-order background removal (DC offset)
>>> data = dnp.remove_background(data)
Background removal with a given fit function
>>> data = dnp.remove_background(data, dim = 'tau', func= dnp.relaxation.general_exp, p0=(1,-1,900))
- dnplab.processing.phase.autophase(inputData, dim='f2', reference_slice=False, deriv=1, gamma=0.005, full_proc_attr=True)
Autophase function to phase spectral data
The autophase function is based on: Chen et al., "An efficient algorithm for automatic phase correction of NMR spectra based on entropy minimization", JMR 158 (2002) 164-168
By default, the autophase function will phase all spectra independently along dim (default dimension is 'f2'). This can be changed by providing a specific dataset as a reference slice.
- Parameters:
data (DNPData) -- DNPData object containing NMR spectra
dim (str) -- Dimension to autophase, default = 'f2'
reference_slice (bool,tuple) -- Tuple of (dimension, index) to select reference slice. The default value is 'False'
deriv (int) -- Integer for derivative value (1-4, default=1)
gamma (float) -- Scaling factor for phase optimization (default=5e-3)
full_proc_attr (bool) -- when this is true the phase tuple for each single autphased spectrum will be added. Default True.
- Returns:
Phased data. The function will add the attribute "autophase" = {pivot,deriv,dim,(phasetuples)}. phasetuples is only included if reference_slice is True
- Return type:
data (DNPData)
- dnplab.processing.phase.autophase_dep(data, dim='f2', method='search', reference_range=None, pts_lim=None, order='zero', pivot=0, delta=0, phase=None, reference_slice=None, force_positive=False)
Automatically phase correct data, or apply manual phase correction
This function is deprecated and will be removed from DNPLab on 10/01/2023ß
- Parameters:
data (DNPData) -- Data object to autophase
dim (str) -- Dimension to autophase
method (str) -- Autophase method, "search" by default
reference_range --
pts_lim --
order --
pivot --
delta --
phase --
reference_slice --
force_positive --
- Returns:
Autophased data, including attrs "phase0" for order="zero", and "phase1" if order="first"
- Return type:
\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}\mathrm{data} &= \exp(-1j * \mathrm{phase}) &\\\mathrm{phase(arctan)} &= \mathrm{arctan}(\mathrm{sum}(\mathrm{data.imag}) / \mathrm{sum}(\mathrm{data.real})) &\\\mathrm{phase(search)} &= \mathrm{argmax}(\mathrm{sum}(phased\_real^{2}) / \mathrm{sum}(phased\_imag^{2})) &\\phased\_real &= \mathrm{data.real} * \exp(-1j * \mathrm{phase}) &\\phased\_imag &= \mathrm{data.imag} * \exp(-1j * \mathrm{phase}) &\end{aligned}\end{align} \]
- dnplab.processing.phase.phase(data, dim='f2', p0=0.0, p1=0.0, pivot=None)
Apply phase correction to DNPData object
- Parameters:
data (DNPData) -- Data object to phase
dim (str) -- Dimension to phase, default is "f2"
p0 (float, array) -- Zero order phase correction (degree, 0 - 360)
p1 (float, array) -- First order phase correction (degree, 0 - 360)
picot (float) -- Pivot point for first order phase correction
- Returns:
Phased data, including new attributes "p0", "p1", and "pivot"
- Return type:
data (DNPData)
0th-order phase correction of 1D or 2D DNPData object. If the DNPData object has multiple 1D spectra the same phase p0 is applied to all spectra.
>>> data = dnp.phase(data,p0)
0th-order phase correction of all spectra of a 2D DNPData object using a (numpy) array p0 of phases:
>>> p0 = np.array([15, 15, 5, -5, 0]) >>> data = dnp.phase(data, p0)
A 2D DNPData object can either be phase using a single p0 (p1) value, or using an array of phases. When using an array, the size of the phase array has to be equal to the number of spectra to be phased.
- dnplab.processing.phase.phase_cycle(data, dim, receiver_phase)
Apply phase cycle to data
- Parameters:
all_data (dnpdata_collection, dnpdata) -- data to process
dim (str) -- dimension to perform phase cycle
receiver_phase (numpy.array, list) -- Receiver Phase 0 (x), 1 (y), 2 (-x), 3 (-y)
- Returns:
data object after phase cycle applied
- Return type: